While my book A will rise to 2%, Oliviero Toscani Italy is playing up with a calendar of photographs of female gender, and already the runaway critical ... Sacred Oliviero. Taken to 76,000 copies, the calendar is distributed with the Italian version of Rolling Stone magazine , the aim being to promote the image of a group of Italian tanners Vera Pelle!
During the press conference at Pitti Uomo, the photographer explains: "I wanted déglamouriser traditional fashion photography, where women walk around in high heels by wearing bright red lips (...) and where everything is shown except the triangle female, the true heart of seduction ".
Vogue The calendars are all the rage and also cause a scandal, because yes, ladies feminists do not support pas que l'image de la femme soit ainsi mise en avant à des fins publicitaires!!
Bref, je vais vous raconter une petite histoire très personnelle, très intime.
L’histoire commence par une envie de pisser, et l’histoire se répète pendant un peu plus d’un mois…
En tout lieux et à toute heure, comment une femme fait pipi.
En tout lieux et à toute heure, comment une femme fait pipi.
C'était en 2008 . Très souvent en vadrouille, je me retrouve souvent dans des endroits improbables , du plus luxueux restaurant à la salle de concert la plus glauque. Pour nous, femmes, faire pipi dans des toilettes unknown is a real test. Then I got the idea, the desire, the need for more than a month to photograph this intimate journey. I've done books 18x 13.8 cm / perfect bound in a cardboard box 20 x 15.5 cm silver coated fabric decorated with a ceramic tile of 10.8 x10, 8 cm. Interior paper Lilas.
Sometime later, I am partis d'un cercle d'artistes féministes. Une sorte de réunion où nous parlions de notre travail d'artiste, de femme, de la femme dans l'art, de l'art et la femme, des écrits sur la femme, d'être une femme artiste etc. Pas féministe pour un sou, je n'aime pas les cercles, les groupes, les religions, les partis, les rassemblements… je me testais…
J'en suis venue à parler de mon travail de photographe. Pas celui que je vous montre sur ce blog ou sur le site , non, le travail qui m'anime, me passionne, me tient en éveil… Et j'ai sorti ce livre "J'irai pisser chez vous" de ma besace. Un peu honteuse dans un premier temps de montrer ces images grades really not glamorous, surprise and admiration of these women for this collection has demonization that I showed them "but you're more feminist than us ...!" Would have followed a lively discussion about what we could do about these images, this approach: we pee standing, yes standing in front of a facade, we will be a half and we pee standing up ... like men ... A kind of performances by artists from different backgrounds, but united for the same cause.
We did not. The problem with groups is that we organize, meet, confront, be available. We did not do so.
Why I mention all this while web stores in our footsteps, our words, our images and our future employers, clients, friends will have ample time to read all this crap, these trials of youth ... I dunno ... Finally it seems to me to know that sometimes turn the page, it is time to stop being a blind eye, he must somehow assume that we are, what we do, what we think, what we create.
Toscani with its news devoured by me is now controversy bearer. Not that I like him, nor wants to be like him, but shit, women who posed for this calendar do so with full knowledge event, that pee standing up or levitating above disgusting toilets is nothing shocking or degrading ... well if still a bit! But all that to say that I'm really fun to do this book, which I photographed for a month every time I went to the toilet, noted the date, time, place. Procedure: 1 image of the action in levitation / 2 the result / 3 flush / 4 self-portrait.
You will notice that modesty is even stronger than anything and I've not put huge images, as I usually do ... I will not push the vice so small player goes away ...! ! Bon j'en ai trop dit…
Sinon, on peut toujours aller à l’école des Beaux-Arts de Dresde découvrir Petra, de l'artiste Allemand Marcel Walldorf , en train d'uriner…
APPEL À SOUSCRIPTION du 19 janvier 2011
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APPEL À SOUSCRIPTION du 19 janvier 2011

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