So first of all, there's our cat, our beloved Kiki Mimi, gray or night, gentle as the rain! Ahem straying quite useless! All that to say that our holidays were punctuated by encounters feline!
First, "Puss" at Espace Pierre Cardin. A crowd of grannies & grandpas with their dear grandchildren. The one hour show, is lovely, we go with the old bookseller and his giant book, with the costumes and the blue cat.
Then a reassuring discovery the cinema with "A Life Chat . Reassuring, because budgets away from Disney, this cartoon is a real thriller for all audiences.
And then it was the perfect opportunity to store the library and unearth some treasures ...

Puss , a musical loosely based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault at Espace Pierre Cardin until January 9, 2011
"Let me take you
In the pages of my book enchanted
Together we'll travel
In the adventures of Puss ..."
Puss in Boots:: Written and Directed by Ned Grujic / music by Lawrence DOUELLE

Dino est un chat qui partage sa vie entre deux maisons. Le jour, il vit avec Zoé, la fillette d’une commissaire de police. La nuit, il escalade les toits de Paris en compagnie de Nico, un cambrioleur d’une grande habileté. Jeanne, la commissaire de police, est sur les dents. Elle doit à la fois arrêter l’auteur de nombreux vols de bijoux, et s’occuper de la surveillance du Colosse de Nairobi, une statue géante convoitée par Costa, le criminel responsible for the death of her policeman husband. Since the tragedy, the girl did not say another word. The events will rush the night when Zoe surprises Costa and his band. A further commitment will last until morning and see all the characters intersect, or fight each other, even on the roofs of Notre-Dame ...
PS: My new books X17-Kunsthalle
Straight from Germany:: leather cover / / A5 / / several books connected by elastic links
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