Yes, for the people of Quebec it is currently -25 C, ice and snow are everywhere and we dream of spring! Until the hot sun again become hot, nothing better than going for a ride the bike at the show for this preparation. For the first time in my life, I'm about to do my turn this year. For one reason or another, I thought it was another kind outdoor lounge with tents and sleeping bags to finish more interspersed with some bikes. Oh, mistake! I was right about there are manufacturers, shopkeepers, bicycles and even a demonstration of mechano contest! My buddy
roadie went there last year and did not understand my absence. Well rest assured that this year I am present at this event and I'll bring all those below who does not have the chance to attend, Photos in support of course. What have saliva in the mouth a little more spring up what!
Here is the information and the website of the Show:
From 16 to 18 February 2007
Place Bonaventure - Montreal
800 De La Gauchetière West, Montreal Bonaventure Metro
Friday: 10 am at 21 h
Saturday: 10 am to 19 pm
Sunday: 10 am to 17 pm
Hoping to see there. Do not be shy to say hello if we cross:)
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